[NEWS] 120404 Dr. Jin Beats Faith To The Punch With Summer Premiere!



javabeans: So Song Seung-heon’s time-traveling medical drama has gotten on MBC’s schedule, and will be premiering in summer. They’re saying June, but it could be July.

girlfriday: Er? I thought Time Slip Dr. Jin already had a timeslot. Wasn’t there a whole debate we had about the size of his ego and cable?

javabeans: No, I think the substance of that discussion was mostly about towels.

girlfriday: It usually is.

javabeans: Time slip always trips me up, because it’s one of those terms that got co-opted into Korean that we don’t use in English, but it just makes me picture Song Seung-heon standing there with a permission slip to leave school or something. You know, his time slip.

girlfriday: Or standing there in a jumpsuit waiting to punch his time slip for his hourly job.

javabeans: His jumpsuit made of towels?

girlfriday: Yes, exactly. Also, I thought this drama was Faith?

javabeans: That’s what makes this news so funny to me. Lee Min-ho just got cast in Faith and was in all the headlines yesterday, with the media touting the power of the Lee Min-ho Effect in finally getting the show on the air.

girlfriday: The power of Lee Min-ho to make all noonas swoon? Oh, you mean the other one, his starpower.


avabeans: You might call those one and the same. You know, ‘cause Faith went through a couple leads, lost them, then sat in development hell for two years… and then he signs the dotted line and BOOM! Instant timeslot. I think people may underestimate just how huge Lee Min-ho is — he’s more than just another pretty face; he has more than just popularity, but also clout. On the Seung-gi Scale, he rates somewhere between refrigerator CF and mobs of handsy ajummas.

girlfriday: You mean Song Seung-heon circa 2000?

javabeans: Pretty much. So then you just know Song Seung-heon got all apoplectic about being pre-empted by that upstart, put in a few calls, and made sure HIS time-tripping, medical fusion sageuk drama got on the air FIRST.

girlfriday: Can’t have the young whippersnapper stealin’ your thunder now, can you?

javabeans: Right? Can’t you just see him yelling into his Bluetooth, “Just GET ME ON THE AIR BEFORE HIM, do you hear me?! Before August or I walk!”

girlfriday: “And these abs go with me!”

javabeans: I would hope so. And now all the headlines read, Dr. Jin To Air Before Drama With Same Premise Faith. Except… Faith has the legendary writer-PD duo of Sandglass, Eyes of Dawn, and Legend… while Song Seung-heon’s drama don’t got no writer or producer listed yet.


girlfriday: That seems to be a glaring omission.

javabeans: Maybe his abs will compensate.

girlfriday: Surely, they compensate for a lot. But I dunno if they have picked up drama-writing skills yet.

javabeans: But if they distract you enough from the lack of drama writing, maybe it’s the same difference.

girlfriday: Touché.

javabeans: But no touch.

girlfriday: Hands off the moneymaker!


Speaking of abs…musn’t forget Jae’s abs! ;)

Credit: Dramabeans via OSEN
Source: JYJ3
Shared by: iHeroCassie

About 花雪
Faith is taking the first step even when u don't see the whole staircase.

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